Navigating the greenwash to the greenhush

You’ve heard of ‘greenwashing’ but how about ‘greenhushing’ 🤫?

It’s when good businesses, doing meaningful work are self censoring out of fear of getting it wrong.

The fear of being called a ‘greenwasher’ has led them to silence themselves. And play down their huge achievements of being a force for good.

So they are now ‘greenhushing’ their most powerful stories.

Greenwashing is harmful. It’s the overstating or exaggeration of environmental claims that mislead people. There’s lots of it and thankfully the penalties are about to increase.

Greenhushing is the opposite problem of staying silent because you’re scared of being shamed and judged.

The truth?

No business (or person) is perfect. And if we silence ourselves, we lose the chance to share our stories, learn from each other, and build the hope we desperately need for a better future.

The key isn’t silence or spin, it’s integrity:

✨ Doing the right thing (even when nobody is watching) and being daring enough to be vulnerable and transparent
✨ Building the frameworks, systems & measures to know you are a genuine force for good
✨ Working with experienced people to help you challenge the status quo while embracing the complexity of real change.

This work starts from within.


TrimTabs #1 – Small Actions, Big Change


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